Thursday, March 11, 2010

Hola de España

Hello my good friends.

Oh boy, this week has been tough. Mainly because of the spanish. I am struggling. Having native companions is really helping, but it is still really hard. I am having to find how to say things with my limited vocabulary of just about 300 words, if I am lucky. But I can ask for directions if I ever get lost. The problem is that I wouldn´t know where they are telling me to go if they did explain it to me. But we just laugh about it and learn to move on.

I have been thinking this morning about why this week was so difficult for me. I have been looking back on this week and realizing that I could do so much more. I am currently listening to the talk by Elder Bednar about¨"Tender Mercies of the Lord." I remember my first year in College, when I was struggling, Aunt Shawna talked with me on the phone or wrote in a letter, I can´t remember now, but she said, "take time every day to find the tender mercies of the Lord." I have not been doing this and I have noticed when I do not have the gratitude in my life, I am not able to work as hard or to do the things that the Lord would have me to do. When you take time to recognize these tender mercies, you recognize how in control of your life he is. When I was in the temple this morning, I came to the great understanding that my Heavenly Father really does love me. And accepts me even if I struggle with my spanish or do not fully understand the gospel. I am striving to be better and my heavenly father knows the deep desires of my heart. I know that it is only through him that we will be blessed with the knowledge of what we can do to become better and be the people that our heavenly father wants us to be. And yes, it is hard, but with faith our father will lead us to know what needs to be refined and taken out of our lifes. It is hard, but I knew it would be hard. It is not physically hard, but more spiritually hard. But just like with your muscles, you must push them to the limit for them to become stronger. I know that I am being pushed to the limit in some aspects of my life right now. Especially with patience in the fact that I cannot express what I desire to express to others. I knew this would come, and now that it is here, I am relying on the Lord more than ever. My companions for teaching are Elder Keller, Elder Johansen, and Elder Pyne. Elder Keller got to leave and go to the field on Wednesday. We are officially allowed to be in Spain now. What a relief. Anyways, the other two that are left are Elder Johansen and Elder Pyne. We are struggling to get our message across to the people we are teaching, and I know that when we prepare the lessons and put in as much work as we possibly can, we will be blessed. And I have seen this in our teaching. Words come to our mouths, that I either have never heard before, or didn´t really understand the meaning of the word. What a blessing for me. To see faith working. It is amazing. I have never had to rely so much on the lord. I cannot really express myself to my personal companion and the only person that I know that knows exactly what I am going through is my Savior. Can I just tell you, it is such a blessing in my life, The talk and the research I did for my "farewell talk" has encouraged me so much. The Atonement is so real to me. It answers so many of lifes questions. I KNOW my Savior loves me. I know this on a personal level. What a blessing to me to get to know on a very deep level the importance of the Atonement. (Thanks Codi for those great quotes. I look back to them often.)

Okay, Sorry about that little rant. But this is what I am about.

Okay, So some interesting things.

This coming Sunday, I am singing in Church. I am singing "Where can I turn for Peace". This is streching me, but one constant thing that I love is Music. It is my solace. It is my understanding of how my heavenly Father Loves me. I love the hymns more then ever. Especially because it is a main portion of what I listen to on a daily basis. I am excited to sing this song though. I love it and the arrangement is superb.

On Tuesday, The American Elders and I went to meet with the Lawyer and get our papers for being able to stay here in Spain. We saw alot of things. One of them was a man getting hit by a scooter and then both of them walking away and just driving off. It was really close to us. About 5-10 feet away from us. But then while we were waiting for more papers, a man came up to us and said, " I have one of your Mormon Bibles. Why is it different? Why do you have another bible? Why why why??? It was really cool because between the 4 of us, we were able to answer the questions that he had and then, I just happened to have a small "military" English BOM and was able to give it to him. My first Book of Mormon. Cool huh.

Anyways, The Lord is blessing me and I know that he loves me and what I am doing here.

On Wednesday, Elder Kopishki from the Area 70 of Europe came and spoke to us last night. He stressed the importance of Obedience. He stressed the importance of our work here in Spain. I can´t tell you how great this talk was. He did a question and answer thing. His understanding of the Gospel brought him such great joy. His smile invited us to really love him. I am always amazed at how happy people are. I rededicated myself to obedience and to my mission last night. I rededicated myself to being the best person I could be. Not to just settle for something that is not my ultimate best. I am a missionary of the Lord and I have been called to Spain for a reason. I have a work to do that can only be done through the way the Lord would have it done. I have to rely on the Lord. This is what I know. This is what I would share with you.

No matter how hard things are, there is only one place to turn. This is to the Lord. I know that this is the only place where you can find lasting peace.

Karin: Thank you for the letter. I love to get mail. Thanks for the good news too! Exciting!!!!!

Sister Sanborn: It was so good to hear about the progress of Jon. Wish him well!! He will be a great missionary!!!

Dad: Thank you so much for your letters. Thanks for the update on Grani. I would love to see pictures of everyone!! It is always good to see and hear about the family!

Marissa & cameron: Have you fallen off the face of the earth. How are things going?

Grani: Glad to hear you still have your spunk. I am always greatful for the things you have taught me. I am constantly refering back to the times that we had together this past summer and thoughout my life. I love you and I am so greatful for your shining light of truth.

Quinn: Start preparing now. Be obedient. You don´t have to know why all the time, but it is so important to start developing that habit of obedience. You are a great person. So excited to hear about your Varsity!! ConGrats BRo!!!! That is great! Play all the time. Rock at it!!! Don´t even miss your opportunity!! One day I would like to get a letter from you, but I know you are busy!!! I know you are also the best brother in the world. I am suprised to find out how many people were actually watching my example while I was younger, Remember this. Remember this. It is so important.... GO FIGHT WIN: BE AWESOME

Mille: HEy girly, I hope you are working on your YW medallion. There are things in there of great importance. Always do what you are supposed to. Learn lots. Finish strong in your school cause next year you will be in High School!!!

I love you all.

Shayla, you are great! I can´t wait for you to be here. I wish I could see you, but you never know. Maybe somehow when they split Bilbao- We would end up being in the same mission. I know, this is a stretch!! But You never know.

Love you

Hermana Skouson
one more thing!!!!



that is all.

Hermana Skouson