(We totally goofed!!. Mikayla hasn't received a email from us in 2 weeks. Her p-day have been all over the place and of course I wait till last minute so I can tell her everything and then I am too late.)
I´m gonna give you the benefit of the doubt. I didn´t tell you, but my P-Days are on Mondays. I have a P-Day on Tuesday during the week of transfers (every six weeks). BUT...Here's the deal. You GOTTA WRITE ME!!!!!!!!!! YOU JUST GOTTA!!! okay... Email me. that would be great. ANYTHING, JUST LET ME KNOW YOU ARE LIVING AND THAT EVERYTHING IS OKAY, OR THAT IT IS NOT
Okay, now that that is taken care of.
I´m so glad it is Preparation day today. I am having fun. I love you!
Funny Story:Tripped on the sidewalk the other day (Sunday). Scuffed up my nice skirt and then got up and went to teach a lady. Tada. Anyways. Really Fun.
So, I am working on my Spanish. We teach a lot of people from South America. LOVE THEM, SO TENDER. They are patient with me and my Spanish. And kindly correct me when I totally botch their language. It is great.
I can´t remember if I told you last week what happened. Okay, in the ward we now cover, it is just me and my companion. Mind you, I don´t really speak Spanish. There used to be 2 elders also, but they got pulled. They had enough work for a full schedule and the sisters had enough work for a full schedule, SO...We are really busy! The ward we cover is on like 4 different metro lines and covers 1/3 of the city. Some difficulties we are having to deal with. We live in the boundaries of a different ward. To get to the Capilla (chapel) it takes roughly 45 mins if all the metros run smoothly. To get to one of the main areas we work it takes 1 hour. To get to the other takes 35 mins. And then...WE WALK!! A TON. The shoes I have right now are killing me. I have super bad shin problems. My Feet are basically stuck in a flexed position. We climb a lot of hills.I am going to try and find some shoes that do not weigh as much. It is hard to walk all day, but it is good too. I just wish that my shins weren´t so tight. I have to end up skipping or running to use different muscles.
I´m sure you can find a metro map of Barcelona on the Internet. I live at Santa Eulalia in the red line and we do alot of work at Horta on the blue line and on Sagrada Familia and on Alfonso X. Anyways
The Saturday before I got here, they had a baptism of Tony. Tony is from Egypt. He came here and was baptised. He said, " I have been dreaming to find a church like this one." These are the kind of people we are constantly teaching. I am in the Best Mission in the world. On Sunday, Tony (btw he speaks English) received the priesthood. As we were talking with him a little more after church he said, " Now I can serve God completely." It is this kind of goodness that really makes you realize that you are changing peoples lives for the better.
We are also teaching a man from Cambia or Gambia I don´t know. His name is Ousman. He is thirty and can´t read. But we have seen him change during the time I have been here. He wants to be better and takes everything we teach with no restraint. He is working right now to quit smoking. It is hard, but he is down to one cigarette a day. We had a baptism date for this Saturday, but he is not quiet ready to be baptized. He has to quit smoking first. But he is almost there.
We are also working with a bunch of less actives. They are progressing and becoming more and more active. We had two less actives that were at church on Sunday and then hadn´t been to church in at least over 5 years.
We teach a lot. We learn a lot. My companion and I are working to find the best work ethic for our now huge area. We have lots to do and lots of things to learn. We have Zone Conference this week and then General Conference and then in a couple of weeks, Elder Hinckley (President Hinckley´s brother) is coming for a mission Tour! I love the sisters I work with and live with. They are great. I will try to get pictures soon
Also, Thank you for the dear elder. I just barely got the one for the 21st. The address you have is for the Mission Office, so it takes some time for me to get it.
I know you are all busy. I know that things are going well. I guess you will call if anything really bad happens with Grani!
Love you all,
Hermana Skouson