TO ALL THAT SENT BIRTHDAY WISHES...THANK YOU!!!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! I know it is expensive to send to Spain, but I really appreciate it!!!
The "goods". So many nylons. So great! And whoever thought of thigh-highs needs and noble peace prize. BRILLIANT...Shayla, you gotta get yourself some of these. Anyways. Best gift ever. You are the best!!!
My comp for the parque (we go out every sat and be real missionaries at this huge park in Madrid. Hermana Londoño.
Robyn, I couldn´t wait. I opened it. And it was the best card in the world. For those who were not blessed with the privilege to read this wonderful card it said, "Happiness is like peeing in your pants. Everyone can see it, but only you can feel the warmth." Thank you for this. I love these sort of things, and when I get them there are only 2 people who really understand what this is all about here, because I do not have the vocabulary yet to explain the goodness of these things.
E. Keller, Pyne, Me, Johansen at Real Madrid Stadium
More Real Madrid
Did I tell you about the time We went to get our paperwork for being allowed to stay in Spain. First of all, it was like a 4 hour adventure. Elder Keller lost his passport at the police station and then we had to go get our paperwork notarized and give power of attorney to the person for visa information. Anyways, the notary came in and asked us if we would like him to speak in English or spanish. We of course said English and the story goes on. As he is explaining the document, he said some thing that completely caught me off guard. He said, "You need to take this shet (with a very short e sound) of paper and sign here." Of course, it caught me so off guard that I laughed out loud and then the other 3 Elders proceeded to join me in struggling to not laugh throughout the rest of the time the man was there with us. It was horrible. I felt so bad, but I laugh every time I think of this experience. Luckily for me, there are not many words in spanish that could be confused with curse words.
The whole crew in front of a cathedral in Madridlf to rt Hermana Cannuci (italian), H. Benitez, H. Marin, Elder Bajaña, E. Arcellus, me, Hermana Garcia (my comp), H. Hildalgo, E. Quiroz, H. Millan, E. Pyne, E. Johansen, H. Londoño, H. Guerra, H. Gonzales.
Anyways, The Elders and I have gotten to the point in our spanish that we can say a fair amount, but it doesn´t really make sense, so we just laugh. For example, the Elders (johansen and pyne) always use this lisphy voice whenever we eat dinner, and now it has transfered to their spanish. Which makes it even worse. Anyways, one of our teachers (Hermana Gutierrez) asked us to teach what we knew about Subjunctive...which is the hardest part of spanish besides speaking it. Anyways, it was my turn to teach past subjunctive and there are things called trigger verbs and I had to explain them and i said, whenever you see the verb like querer and it is followed by que, a balloon or train should go off in your brain and then you realize that you are using subjunctive. And my comps thought it was really funny that I used the word balloon. Mind you, I meant to say gun but because I can´t think in English and I can´t think in spanish, we just start saying really random things.
Some of the Sisters and Elder Arcellus at a fountain that we went to last P-day.
Rumor, I heard before i came on my mission, but didn´t think I would be used to play very often.... I heard that Taylor Eliason has a bunch of scanned music on a jump drive. Was wondering if you might be able to get in contact with him sometime and see if you could have him copy that onto another jump drive and send it my way.
OH BOY... $55 to send that package!!! That is crazy!!! BUT thank you soooo much. I really love it, and my mother is a master packer. First of all, you got your taping skills from grandma... and secondly, that food savers bags, such a good idea. Oh and you saved me. The power converter works for my Straighterner. One month with out one really does something to you! I almost threw it away and bought a new one, but I WAS SAVED BY Y´all!I am so excited to leave and go into the field. I keep on asking president if i might need to stay one more day here in the MTC to be here for Shayla, but I know that I will see her eventually.
Elodie Dethelot. Teacher of the French. My best friend for the first week. No sisters, so i had her. She was wonderful.!!
OKAY...So I asked my MTC president what the rules are about you coming over and picking me up. He said that he would encourage it because when will you ever have the opportunity to come over to spain and have a tour guide that could actually speak spanish and english AND be related to you. Anyways. I think that would be so awesome if you did come over and pick me up. The tentative release date is 27 June 2011. Seems so far, but so close. I just have to work that much harder. Anyways. If you did come over...I would want to stop in Madrid to see The Earls (MTC presidents here in CCM..
:lt. Brother Arnal. Crazy teacher for the noche. So much fun. His idea to hid behind the tree for the picture. Best fun in the world. Rt. the very middle of Spain.
I am doing great! Loving it here. Better week, laughed a lot. Played the piano a lot. Always a good thing. Sang on Sunday. Huge success. Oh my goodness, I have not sang in like a good 6 months in full voice, but on Sunday, I just let it rip. Great song, Great accompanist, great spirit. Great times. Anyways.
these are some of the chicas. lf. riding the metro.
Hope all things are going well!
Keep the letters coming. You are doing great. I am so glad when I get letters...
Please start sending them to my new address.
Misión de España Barcelona
c/ Calatrava 10-12, Bajos
08017 Barcelona
Loving Madrid!
Tell the ward thanks for the support!! They are awesome. I can feel their prayers.
Kaity, You would be a great missionary! I am a so pleased to hear you are thinking about it. It is hard, but nothing that is too tough to do. You have such a great spirit and I am so glad to know someone like you!
Katie (MAY) Skillin: You are married!!!
Tiffany Harper (Quinney):YOu are Married!!!!
Congrats to all.
Have a great day!
Love you lots.
love you
Hermana Skouson
Simple pleasures in life. Found these inserts at the Chino (little tienda run by chinese)