Wednesday, March 31, 2010

hello family, do you live/love me?

(We totally goofed!!.  Mikayla hasn't received a email from us in 2 weeks.  Her p-day have been all over the place and of course I wait till last minute so I can tell her everything and then I am too late.) 


I´m gonna give you the benefit of the doubt. I didn´t tell you, but my P-Days are on Mondays. I have a P-Day on Tuesday during the week of transfers (every six weeks). BUT...Here's the deal. You GOTTA WRITE ME!!!!!!!!!! YOU JUST GOTTA!!! okay... Email me. that would be great. ANYTHING, JUST LET ME KNOW YOU ARE LIVING AND THAT EVERYTHING IS OKAY, OR THAT IT IS NOT


Okay, now that that is taken care of.


I´m so glad it is Preparation day today. I am having fun. I love you!

Funny Story:Tripped on the sidewalk the other day (Sunday). Scuffed up my nice skirt and then got up and went to teach a lady. Tada. Anyways. Really Fun.

So, I am working on my Spanish. We teach a lot of people from South America. LOVE THEM, SO TENDER. They are patient with me and my Spanish. And kindly correct me when I totally botch their language. It is great.

I can´t remember if I told you last week what happened. Okay, in the ward we now cover, it is just me and my companion. Mind you, I don´t really speak Spanish. There used to be 2 elders also, but they got pulled. They had enough work for a full schedule and the sisters had enough work for a full schedule, SO...We are really busy! The ward we cover is on like 4 different metro lines and covers 1/3 of the city. Some difficulties we are having to deal with. We live in the boundaries of a different ward. To get to the Capilla (chapel) it takes roughly 45 mins if all the metros run smoothly. To get to one of the main areas we work it takes 1 hour. To get to the other takes 35 mins. And then...WE WALK!! A TON. The shoes I have right now are killing me. I have super bad shin problems. My Feet are basically stuck in a flexed position. We climb a lot of hills.I am going to try and find some shoes that do not weigh as much. It is hard to walk all day, but it is good too. I just wish that my shins weren´t so tight. I have to end up skipping or running to use different muscles.

I´m sure you can find a metro map of Barcelona on the Internet. I live at Santa Eulalia in the red line and we do alot of work at Horta on the blue line and on Sagrada Familia and on Alfonso X. Anyways

The Saturday before I got here, they had a baptism of Tony. Tony is from Egypt. He came here and was baptised. He said, " I have been dreaming to find a church like this one." These are the kind of people we are constantly teaching. I am in the Best Mission in the world. On Sunday, Tony (btw he speaks English) received the priesthood. As we were talking with him a little more after church he said, " Now I can serve God completely." It is this kind of goodness that really makes you realize that you are changing peoples lives for the better.

We are also teaching a man from Cambia or Gambia I don´t know. His name is Ousman. He is thirty and can´t read. But we have seen him change during the time I have been here. He wants to be better and takes everything we teach with no restraint. He is working right now to quit smoking. It is hard, but he is down to one cigarette a day. We had a baptism date for this Saturday, but he is not quiet ready to be baptized. He has to quit smoking first. But he is almost there.

We are also working with a bunch of less actives. They are progressing and becoming more and more active. We had two less actives that were at church on Sunday and then hadn´t been to church in at least over 5 years.

We teach a lot. We learn a lot. My companion and I are working to find the best work ethic for our now huge area. We have lots to do and lots of things to learn. We have Zone Conference this week and then General Conference and then in a couple of weeks, Elder Hinckley (President Hinckley´s brother) is coming for a mission Tour! I love the sisters I work with and live with. They are great. I will try to get pictures soon

Also, Thank you for the dear elder. I just barely got the one for the 21st. The address you have is for the Mission Office, so it takes some time for me to get it.

I know you are all busy. I know that things are going well. I guess you will call if anything really bad happens with Grani!

Love you all,

Hermana Skouson

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Hello from Barcelona, a new phase and a new opportunity

Please also check out Mikayla's Mission Blog.
March 23, 2010

Here it is. I am here in Barcelona for my first experience as a real missionary. I am on P-day right now and I am sitting in a little internet cafe writing this letter.
 There were 5 of us that left the MTC this morning. Elder Johansen, Elder Arcellus, Hermana Guerra, Hermana Garcia and I. We had a blast waking up early (okay, at the normal time, but still early) and then going to breakfast where we said our goodbyes and then we were rushed off to the Train Station. It was the cleanest train I have ever been on. And a wonderful ride to boot.

At Estacio' Sants: Elder Jensen, Hna.Guerra, Elder Morales, Elder Johansen, Pte. Hinckley, Hna. Hinckley, Hna. Garcia, Hna. Skouson, Elder Atkin, Elder Arcelles.
It was crazy to think as I spent about an hour thinking about where I have been and where I am going. I have come to this new phase. I am leaving the MTC for good...and starting my mission for good. It has been an interesting thought as I have been thinking about this. I have learned many things so far. It was so sweet of my MTC president this morning to tell me as we were leaving, "I has been a pleasure having you here at the MTC." Looking back, I have really grown alot and learned alot about myself and what I am capable of. The CCM was a real stretch for me. In my spanish, in my personal strength, and in my gospel knowledge. I had to rely on the Lord more heavily because I wasn´t able to communicate my feelings and struggles with the people around me. Anyways. (mom, i have come to notice that i use that word a lot!!!!)

Anyways, Moving on to a new Barcelona message.

A handsome group overlooking mission field.

The nuevos at Montjuic

da dad da ad d ad da... this just in. Sister Skouson arrived in Barcelona at 11:30 this morning. She was greeted by The mission president and his wife and 3 of the Elders that are in the Mission. Las Hermanas and I rode with the President and his Wife. The got to know us as they gave us a tour from Right near the Olympic Stadium. He talked about how Columbus really was inspired to open up America and in turn open up Spain. Did you know that President Hinckley was one of the first missionaries to open up Spain. He was called to serve his mission in Argentina and then his last 2 transfers, he was sent to Spain to open the mission. It was really interesting to stand next to the Mediterrainan Sea and listen to this information. After that, we went to the mission home. We were served a great lunch. Lasagna and salad. IT was rich and creamy and DELICIOUS!!!!!!! and then it was followed by ice cream with pirouttes. Very delicious. Anyways, We had a little instruction with the president and the others in the mission office and then we were whisked away to meet our companions. The 3 natives were sent to pueblos and other cities. So they hopped on another train and went to meet the people. And Elder Johansen was sent to an area close to Barcelona. And I was sent to BARCELONA!!! I am sooooo excited.
Hma. Skouson on her lst day in the mission. with her companion, Hna. Church, as they came to bid farewell to departing missionaries.
My companions name is Hermana Church. From Fresno, California!! She is wonderful. She is My Trainer. I kinda feel sentimental when saying that. She is the best person ever!!! She is kind and loving and she even brought me some chuchies! Sweets!! Then I got some paperwork started and then we were off. This is the best mission in the world. Really. And the Elders that I have met and the Sisters I have met are TOP NOTCH people. And I get to join the ranks of this army. I AM SO EXCITED. Tonight we have 2 citas (appointments) and then we are singing to the Angels ( singing to the people going home). 6 People are going home. MOM. MY RA from my very first semester is going home tomorrow. I just met her today and she was like, " NO WAY, youare HEre, I didnt even know you were going on a mission." Anyways, lemme tell you a little bit about the work we have to do. There are 3 wards in Barcelona. My companion and I are assigned to Barrio 1. (Ward 1) 4 months ago, there were 2 sets of elders in my ward and it was split in half, big section of the city, includes the sangra familia (gaudi museum/cathedral thing, the unfinished one.) Then 3 months ago, one companionship of Elders was replaced by sisters (white washing the area). But there were still two sets of missionaries. This last transfer, they pulled out the other set of Elders, and put me and my companion together there. We have 3 area books and my companion said that they were teaching roughly 20 lessons a week and the elders were teaching 20 lessons a week too. SO, we should be teaching roughly 40 lessons per week. Talk about a hefty week!! I am so excited to start working and working hard. I love being here in Barcelona.

The Las Vegas Trio: with the arrival of Hna. Skouson, we now have 3 missionaries from Las Vegas (Elders Bowers and Evans joined her for this photo of the trio)

I love this, I love this, I love this!!

What more can I Say!

Send me updates on yourselves and your lives. I love them.

Rissa & Cameron, Just got your letter last night. Talk about the skin of your teeth. But I loved it. I can think of nothing better than that card. What a wonderful find. Keep me updated. Sorry about your cars, you could just take the Metro. ha ha okay, why don´t we have more metros in the US. They are so convienient! Anyways. I will let you go.

I am exhausted today. The sisters that lived with me in the CCM stayed up til 1:30 am and til 3:00 am. THis is not the way I roll. I need my sleep.

Also mom, I would like to let you know that I have contracted another one of your goodnesses. I woke up the other morning with a sore in my nose. Why oh why do I have a sore in my nose? Anyways, Continue on. And think of the stress sores in my nose.

Love you lots

Hermana Skouson

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Hello from Madrid for the Final time

March 22, 2010
Well, Today is Monday. I leave at 9:00 am in the morning to go on a train and travel to Barcelona!!

Finally, I thought this day would never come.

Me and the teachers, L to R Hermana Nalbandyan (aremenia), Me, Hermana Gutierrez(español)
I am excited to get on to really working hard and not sitting in a class room. It is wearing on you on a daily basis. But I am really grateful for the opportunity I have had the past two months to have been taught by some great people who really know what is going on in the really world of missionary work. I am so excited to get out and share what I have been learning for the past 22 years. (that is because I am 22 now) Weird I know, but it is the truth.

Oh, by the way my MTC president has a blog that he updates with pictures. It is Okay, So for the last couple of days. The update!!

Thank you Shalese for the birthday kit!!!

Saturday: Was my birthday. Turned 22. I am officially old now. But anyways. I woke up at 6:30 as usual, prayed, and then grabbed my clothes and hopped into the shower. What I didn´t notice were all the post its that were all over my bed and under the top bunk of my bed. My companion had decorated my bed after I had fallen asleep the night before. (they have a tendency to stay up a little later than I do. I got that from my mother. I can fall asleep anywhere and I am good at it too. I only have to put in earplugs to block out the talking. But luckily I purchased them in Provo!) Anyways, the day continued as a normal Sat in the CCM in Madrid. We had breakfast, Devotional with the pres, and then off to the park to proselyte.

Hermana Cannuci and I at the park
My companion for the day was Hermana Cannuci and we made 5 contacts in the Metro and 11 in the park. I actually spoke with 2 people from Germany, and while I was speaking to one of them, the other was taking pictures of me. Quite random, but a very good conversation with the people. Hermana Cannuci is from Italy and we spoke with roughly 3 Italians.
 But I used much more Spanish this week in the park than I had done in previous accounts at the park. After that, then we sang at the fountain some good old hymns of the restoration and then we went back to the CCM for some real good laughs and fun.

Singing in the park. More singing!

We just continued with the day. We ate the Cherry Chip cake that you sent mom. It was delicious. All the sisters kept on asking for the recipe and I told them that it was a secret recipe handed down from Generation to Generation. Ha ah aha ha a. (just for you mom). Anyways.
Beautiful building in park in Madrid.
  My companion had arranged to meet up with her family on Saturday at the Chapel that we play sports at, but sports were cancelled and she was in hysterics. So we went and talked with the president so she could ask if she could go down and see her family. Anyways, the president had just given a speech during the morning devotional about meeting up with your families and how you are not supposed to do so. So he said no, and she cried more. I don´t really know how to deal with emotions in English, let alone Spanish and hysterical. So it was awkward. But yeah. I am learning more about how to deal with the emotions of others in another language.
I copied a bunch of music and I am slowly building up my repertoire of music here in Spain. I am loving being used so much for my ability to play the piano, even though it is not very good. Anyways, it is great!

Sunday, all the missionaries in the CCM sang the As sisters as Zion/Armies of Helaman song in spanish. Everyone was really emotional. It was really fun to be incharge of more music. I LOVE TO BE INCHARGE OF MUSICAL THINGS.

I have really loved learning about all of the Españoles and learning how the people work here in Spain. I LOVE IT HERE!! THe weather is great. I am going to love Barcelona.
I´ll let you go. Gotta finish packing!
Hermana Skouson
Me and Elder Johansen, Elder Pyne

 We all had to choose names and make a card for the person (President told us that this is very cultural. Anyways, I had elder johansen. It is a depiction of a bunch of our inside jokes.)

¿De Donde Es???

The title is because of this great song i learned from the natives. I will sing it to you in roughly 16 months. Tomorrow I hit my two month mark. On my birthday non the less.

TO ALL THAT SENT BIRTHDAY WISHES...THANK YOU!!!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! I know it is expensive to send to Spain, but I really appreciate it!!!

The "goods". So many nylons. So great! And whoever thought of thigh-highs needs and noble peace prize. BRILLIANT...Shayla, you gotta get yourself some of these.  Anyways. Best gift ever.  You are the best!!!

My comp for the parque (we go out every sat and be real missionaries at this huge park in Madrid. Hermana Londoño.

Robyn, I couldn´t wait. I opened it. And it was the best card in the world. For those who were not blessed with the privilege to read this wonderful card it said, "Happiness is like peeing in your pants. Everyone can see it, but only you can feel the warmth." Thank you for this. I love these sort of things, and when I get them there are only 2 people who really understand what this is all about here, because I do not have the vocabulary yet to explain the goodness of these things.
E. Keller, Pyne, Me, Johansen at Real Madrid Stadium

More Real Madrid
Did I tell you about the time We went to get our paperwork for being allowed to stay in Spain. First of all, it was like a 4 hour adventure. Elder Keller lost his passport at the police station and then we had to go get our paperwork notarized and give power of attorney to the person for visa information. Anyways, the notary came in and asked us if we would like him to speak in English or spanish. We of course said English and the story goes on. As he is explaining the document, he said some thing that completely caught me off guard. He said, "You need to take this shet (with a very short e sound) of paper and sign here." Of course, it caught me so off guard that I laughed out loud and then the other 3 Elders proceeded to join me in struggling to not laugh throughout the rest of the time the man was there with us. It was horrible. I felt so bad, but I laugh every time I think of this experience. Luckily for me, there are not many words in spanish that could be confused with curse words.

The whole crew in front of a cathedral in Madridlf to rt Hermana Cannuci (italian), H. Benitez, H. Marin, Elder Bajaña, E. Arcellus, me, Hermana Garcia (my comp), H. Hildalgo, E. Quiroz, H. Millan, E. Pyne, E. Johansen, H. Londoño, H. Guerra, H. Gonzales.

Anyways, The Elders and I have gotten to the point in our spanish that we can say a fair amount, but it doesn´t really make sense, so we just laugh. For example, the Elders (johansen and pyne) always use this lisphy voice whenever we eat dinner, and now it has transfered to their spanish. Which makes it even worse. Anyways, one of our teachers (Hermana Gutierrez) asked us to teach what we knew about Subjunctive...which is the hardest part of spanish besides speaking it. Anyways, it was my turn to teach past subjunctive and there are things called trigger verbs and I had to explain them and i said, whenever you see the verb like querer and it is followed by que, a balloon or train should go off in your brain and then you realize that you are using subjunctive. And my comps thought it was really funny that I used the word balloon. Mind you, I meant to say gun but because I can´t think in English and I can´t think in spanish, we just start saying really random things.

Some of the Sisters and Elder Arcellus at a fountain that we went to last P-day.

Rumor, I heard before i came on my mission, but didn´t think I would be used to play very often.... I heard that Taylor Eliason has a bunch of scanned music on a jump drive. Was wondering if you might be able to get in contact with him sometime and see if you could have him copy that onto another jump drive and send it my way.

OH BOY... $55 to send that package!!! That is crazy!!! BUT thank you soooo much. I really love it, and my mother is a master packer. First of all, you got your taping skills from grandma... and secondly, that food savers bags, such a good idea. Oh and you saved me. The power converter works for my Straighterner. One month with out one really does something to you! I almost threw it away and bought a new one, but I WAS SAVED BY Y´all!I am so excited to leave and go into the field. I keep on asking president if i might need to stay one more day here in the MTC to be here for Shayla, but I know that I will see her eventually.

Elodie Dethelot. Teacher of the French. My best friend for the first week. No sisters, so i had her. She was wonderful.!!

OKAY...So I asked my MTC president what the rules are about you coming over and picking me up. He said that he would encourage it because when will you ever have the opportunity to come over to spain and have a tour guide that could actually speak spanish and english AND be related to you. Anyways. I think that would be so awesome if you did come over and pick me up. The tentative release date is 27 June 2011. Seems so far, but so close. I just have to work that much harder. Anyways. If you did come over...I would want to stop in Madrid to see The Earls (MTC presidents here in CCM..
:lt. Brother Arnal. Crazy teacher for the noche. So much fun. His idea to hid behind the tree for the picture. Best fun in the world.   Rt. the very middle of Spain.

I am doing great! Loving it here. Better week, laughed a lot. Played the piano a lot. Always a good thing. Sang on Sunday. Huge success. Oh my goodness, I have not sang in like a good 6 months in full voice, but on Sunday, I just let it rip. Great song, Great accompanist, great spirit. Great times. Anyways.
these are some of the chicas.  lf. riding the metro.
Hope all things are going well!

Keep the letters coming. You are doing great. I am so glad when I get letters...

Please start sending them to my new address.

Misión de España Barcelona
c/ Calatrava 10-12, Bajos
08017 Barcelona

Loving Madrid!

Tell the ward thanks for the support!! They are awesome. I can feel their prayers.

Kaity, You would be a great missionary! I am a so pleased to hear you are thinking about it. It is hard, but nothing that is too tough to do. You have such a great spirit and I am so glad to know someone like you!

Katie (MAY) Skillin: You are married!!!

Tiffany Harper (Quinney):YOu are Married!!!!

Congrats to all.

Have a great day!

Love you lots.
love you

Hermana Skouson

Simple pleasures in life. Found these inserts at the Chino (little tienda run by chinese)

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Madrid MTC

Quick email from Pres. Earl of Madrid MTC

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Hola de España

Hello my good friends.

Oh boy, this week has been tough. Mainly because of the spanish. I am struggling. Having native companions is really helping, but it is still really hard. I am having to find how to say things with my limited vocabulary of just about 300 words, if I am lucky. But I can ask for directions if I ever get lost. The problem is that I wouldn´t know where they are telling me to go if they did explain it to me. But we just laugh about it and learn to move on.

I have been thinking this morning about why this week was so difficult for me. I have been looking back on this week and realizing that I could do so much more. I am currently listening to the talk by Elder Bednar about¨"Tender Mercies of the Lord." I remember my first year in College, when I was struggling, Aunt Shawna talked with me on the phone or wrote in a letter, I can´t remember now, but she said, "take time every day to find the tender mercies of the Lord." I have not been doing this and I have noticed when I do not have the gratitude in my life, I am not able to work as hard or to do the things that the Lord would have me to do. When you take time to recognize these tender mercies, you recognize how in control of your life he is. When I was in the temple this morning, I came to the great understanding that my Heavenly Father really does love me. And accepts me even if I struggle with my spanish or do not fully understand the gospel. I am striving to be better and my heavenly father knows the deep desires of my heart. I know that it is only through him that we will be blessed with the knowledge of what we can do to become better and be the people that our heavenly father wants us to be. And yes, it is hard, but with faith our father will lead us to know what needs to be refined and taken out of our lifes. It is hard, but I knew it would be hard. It is not physically hard, but more spiritually hard. But just like with your muscles, you must push them to the limit for them to become stronger. I know that I am being pushed to the limit in some aspects of my life right now. Especially with patience in the fact that I cannot express what I desire to express to others. I knew this would come, and now that it is here, I am relying on the Lord more than ever. My companions for teaching are Elder Keller, Elder Johansen, and Elder Pyne. Elder Keller got to leave and go to the field on Wednesday. We are officially allowed to be in Spain now. What a relief. Anyways, the other two that are left are Elder Johansen and Elder Pyne. We are struggling to get our message across to the people we are teaching, and I know that when we prepare the lessons and put in as much work as we possibly can, we will be blessed. And I have seen this in our teaching. Words come to our mouths, that I either have never heard before, or didn´t really understand the meaning of the word. What a blessing for me. To see faith working. It is amazing. I have never had to rely so much on the lord. I cannot really express myself to my personal companion and the only person that I know that knows exactly what I am going through is my Savior. Can I just tell you, it is such a blessing in my life, The talk and the research I did for my "farewell talk" has encouraged me so much. The Atonement is so real to me. It answers so many of lifes questions. I KNOW my Savior loves me. I know this on a personal level. What a blessing to me to get to know on a very deep level the importance of the Atonement. (Thanks Codi for those great quotes. I look back to them often.)

Okay, Sorry about that little rant. But this is what I am about.

Okay, So some interesting things.

This coming Sunday, I am singing in Church. I am singing "Where can I turn for Peace". This is streching me, but one constant thing that I love is Music. It is my solace. It is my understanding of how my heavenly Father Loves me. I love the hymns more then ever. Especially because it is a main portion of what I listen to on a daily basis. I am excited to sing this song though. I love it and the arrangement is superb.

On Tuesday, The American Elders and I went to meet with the Lawyer and get our papers for being able to stay here in Spain. We saw alot of things. One of them was a man getting hit by a scooter and then both of them walking away and just driving off. It was really close to us. About 5-10 feet away from us. But then while we were waiting for more papers, a man came up to us and said, " I have one of your Mormon Bibles. Why is it different? Why do you have another bible? Why why why??? It was really cool because between the 4 of us, we were able to answer the questions that he had and then, I just happened to have a small "military" English BOM and was able to give it to him. My first Book of Mormon. Cool huh.

Anyways, The Lord is blessing me and I know that he loves me and what I am doing here.

On Wednesday, Elder Kopishki from the Area 70 of Europe came and spoke to us last night. He stressed the importance of Obedience. He stressed the importance of our work here in Spain. I can´t tell you how great this talk was. He did a question and answer thing. His understanding of the Gospel brought him such great joy. His smile invited us to really love him. I am always amazed at how happy people are. I rededicated myself to obedience and to my mission last night. I rededicated myself to being the best person I could be. Not to just settle for something that is not my ultimate best. I am a missionary of the Lord and I have been called to Spain for a reason. I have a work to do that can only be done through the way the Lord would have it done. I have to rely on the Lord. This is what I know. This is what I would share with you.

No matter how hard things are, there is only one place to turn. This is to the Lord. I know that this is the only place where you can find lasting peace.

Karin: Thank you for the letter. I love to get mail. Thanks for the good news too! Exciting!!!!!

Sister Sanborn: It was so good to hear about the progress of Jon. Wish him well!! He will be a great missionary!!!

Dad: Thank you so much for your letters. Thanks for the update on Grani. I would love to see pictures of everyone!! It is always good to see and hear about the family!

Marissa & cameron: Have you fallen off the face of the earth. How are things going?

Grani: Glad to hear you still have your spunk. I am always greatful for the things you have taught me. I am constantly refering back to the times that we had together this past summer and thoughout my life. I love you and I am so greatful for your shining light of truth.

Quinn: Start preparing now. Be obedient. You don´t have to know why all the time, but it is so important to start developing that habit of obedience. You are a great person. So excited to hear about your Varsity!! ConGrats BRo!!!! That is great! Play all the time. Rock at it!!! Don´t even miss your opportunity!! One day I would like to get a letter from you, but I know you are busy!!! I know you are also the best brother in the world. I am suprised to find out how many people were actually watching my example while I was younger, Remember this. Remember this. It is so important.... GO FIGHT WIN: BE AWESOME

Mille: HEy girly, I hope you are working on your YW medallion. There are things in there of great importance. Always do what you are supposed to. Learn lots. Finish strong in your school cause next year you will be in High School!!!

I love you all.

Shayla, you are great! I can´t wait for you to be here. I wish I could see you, but you never know. Maybe somehow when they split Bilbao- We would end up being in the same mission. I know, this is a stretch!! But You never know.

Love you

Hermana Skouson
one more thing!!!!



that is all.

Hermana Skouson

Monday, March 8, 2010

Espana week 2

My english is getting worse and worse as I am speaking more and more español.

me in front of Madrid Temple.

Okay, Let us begin.

Last week was a bad note to end on. Sorry I sounded so down to the ground low. I was tired and needed a sister, but she didn´t come until Wed. Anyways. To all those reading...Especially the moultons, I had a momento o silencio ayer for Shayla. I have found out that she will come into the Spain CCM the day after I leave. But some people have been having travel problems, so I might be able to pull something out of my sleeve to have to stay one more day. BUT, I dont think it will happen. But Shayla, you are doing great!!! I know this is hard, but it is worth it. Love your companions.( P.S. would someone forward this to shayla through Dear Elder. Nothing better than getting mail in the MTC. Makes it easier knowing someone loves you.) Find the good in them, because you will come to Madrid and have a native companion, and then you won´t be able to do anything else, except love them.
I have a companion now. She got here yesterday. Her name is Hermana Garcia. She is orginally from Bolivia and moved to España 10 years ago. (maybe, she doesn´t speak any english, so with my limited spanish this is what I understood.)                 

my comp hermana garcia

 I love my Hermana so much. They are a very touchy feely people here in Spain, I am gettting more and more used to being touched and kissed. Still weird. But I am learning to love these people. They are cute and great. My companions and I have decided that in my room, I will only speak español and they will only speak english. This way, we can kind of be able to understand eachother. And if we forget, 5 cents goes into a jar, and then when we get ready to leave, we celebrate. This is very difficult, but I am learning to speak much more. I said "comó se dice" to one of the sisters and she said, "no, no, no, hermana, no, no, no, (I thought I had offended her or called her a bad name or something) , but she said, " hermana, we are in España. No comó se diCE, hermana, lo es dithe (with the theta. Really hard to explain in words, i really have to say it." Anyways, so I am learning much about pronounciation and about new and more vocabulary. I listen alot, and they are inclusive with me often. Always asking, "¿Comprende?" and other things like that. The hard part is if I don't understand, they usually explain it again in spanish, or try to explain it in english, but for alot of them, their english is worse than my spanish. so we all have limited vocabularies, but we are working hard to try to understand eachother. They are sooooooooo nice and I love them so much.

Entonces, I went with the sister missionaries on Saturday. Usually, all the missionaries go together to the park and we talk to people and try to share the gospel with them, but because I didn't have a female companion, I ended up going with some of the sisters in the madrid mission. They are sooooo nice. Shayla, you will love them! I told them all about you and they are so excited to have new sisters. Especially for you. They love you already. I am trying my best to make sure that everyone knows you and all about you, so you can just have the best time possible here in Madrid. But, I am going to warn you, I have been told that the Barcelona mission is el mejor mission en el mundo. And I think i will have to believe them on that one. Sorry Charlie!!! But you get some of the bilboa mission that will bring some of the pretty north country into the mission. (love you shayla). TANGENT:: So I went with the sister missionaries and we have a blast. Just knocking doors and pretending I knew what I was doing. It was a really good experience.          :hermana schiffler and nockles who are madrid missionaries and took my out tracting on saturday.

Anyways, I have to go soon, I will tell you more sometime. Send me questions, letters, packages, pictures, prayers, etc. I love it here. I love the people and I love the opportunity I have to learn Español. I am getting better. But still have a long way to go. The Hermanas are soooo Helpful. Anyways.

Love you lots.,

Hermana Skouson
in Sol in Madrid ( the city center near a fountain)