Thursday, February 25, 2010

Twice in two days

Dear Family,

 Well things are going really well. I definately miss having real companions(sisters). I spend a lot of time watching. It is much quieter than Provo. There are 5 French missionaries here. Some of them speak english and we try to have conversations, but it is rough. I am learning lots about intrapersonal relations. I had gym last night and it was difficult because they went and played basketball and invited me, but because I am a sister, I cannot actually play basketball with the Elders. So I played the piano. I really would love it if you could send me some music. Especially classical. That book of Music by the Masters would be a dream. I LOVE THAT BOOK. It is the one with both covers missing. The notes are small.

We went down to Sol today (city center) and walked around. I finally found somewhere to buy shampoo and conditioner. I paid over 10 dollars for the both. I think it came out to 7.5 euros. My savings is going to be wiped. NO bueno. I am becoming more accustomed to the not so strict schedule here at the CCM. It is hard because I have alot more time to think, but I think after the first couple of days, I will be raring to go.

We went to the temple this morning, it was weird because they played the session in French and we had headsets that could play it in 12 different languages. I listened to it in Spanish. Oh boy, did i have a headache! Met a Sister Merrill and Brother Merrill from Mesa who are serving in the Madrid Temple mission. They were wonderful. They said they knew of some Skousens. I love it when either I know people or they know of my family. Makes Madrid not seem so far away.


Centro de Capacitación Misiónal

C/ Templo 2, 4A Planta

28030 Madrid


They say that mail takes normally 7-10 days to arrive here. Would love some letters. But if it takes to long I will also give you my mission address.

Barcelona Misión de España

C/ Calatrava 10-12, Bajos

08017 Barcelona


Sorry this letter is so sad. I just miss being able to talk with sisters. I am working hard and trying to get along with the Elders. It is just hard because my two companions are really good friends and I am a sister, which most elders equate with not being able to talk to, so we are working to get over this fall back. But you know what, it will all work out. There are 10 spanish sisters coming in next Wednesday and President said that one of them will be my companion. I cannot wait until that point. I LOVE SISTER MISSIONARIES. Things are going well though. That is good. I also slept for roughly 10 hours. The jet lag is coming and going. I should be good by friday. But ya know.

I love you all and am trying to keep busy!
Sister Skouson