It was so great to talk with you this past Saturday, Mom. I really wish I could have spoken with you on Tuesday from the Airport heading to Ga and then to Madrid, But esta bien! THANK YOU TO ALL WHO ARE WRITING LETTERS!!! I REALLY APPRECIATE YOUR SUPPORT AND YOUR CARING AND EFFORT THAT IT TAKES TO MAIL SOMETHING!!! YOU PEOPLE ARE AMAZING.
Anyways, Today was temple day. I love the temple. I love the fact that we get to spend about 2 hours a week learning and growing in a place that allows us to get so much out of it. ANd the peace. OH do i love the peace.
Some of the sisters in my district are having a hard time adjusting to all the things that have to happen here in the MTC. It is kinda draggin on me, but i am learning to rely more heavily on the Lord. It is such a blessing to have to be learning this. I spoke with Hermano Nava for my interview this week and he asked me how I was doing and I sort of broke down when he asked me about what I have learned this week. I said that I am learning that I really am not in control of anything that is happening in my life. I am only really in control of how hard I work and the rest is really up to him. I really learned this lesson when I found out that I was staying here in Provo until who knows when. I know that the Lord has a plan for me. I dont have any clue as to what it might be, but I am learning more and more that I am needed here. Just about everybody in my district has come up to me at one point or another this past couple of days and said to me that they are really glad that I am staying. This is really nice to know that I am having an influence on my district, even if they don't like the goal of being 100% obedient 100% of the time.
Goals: Yesterday we had a Devotional by C. Scott Grow (funny name huh). He talked about making our missions worthwhile and setting goals that really mean something. He also talked about reactivation. I know that in my mission we might not have tons and tons of people being ready to be baptized, but I do know that reactivation is just as necessary as baptizing. I love this thought that we do not just give up on people if they were converted and fell away. We reach out to them with love and with the support of the ward to welcome them back into what they know is true. He also talked about how goals need to stretch up and to challenge us. This is so true!!! My district finally got the idea yesterday. We even set meaningful goals. This is such a great thing for them. They are learning and growing. (my attitude is such because I suggested that we do this last week, but we had people complain about setting "lofty goals." "we will never be able to reach 100% obedience, so why should we even try?" Direct quote.that really threw me for a loop.) Anyways. GREAT DEVO!
I got to play for a musical number on Sunday. Sister Miller, Another girl in my district, sang I know that my redeemer lives and I played the MIcheal Hicks arrangement of that song. What a great opportunity!!!
Okay, so I love the MTC. The spirit is so strong here and I can tell that the teachers really did serve a good mission and are really loving what they are doing here at the MTC, working with crazy 19-23 year old people who think they know everything about the gospel. It is such a blessing to be working with 2 hermanos that actually have a deep and abiding love for the gospel and their jobs...and that this love can be incorporated into one thing. I can think of no better job then to get back and work for the MTC as a teacher. I know this will be alot of work, but you look at the lives of the MTC teachers and you know they served a good mission!!! I AM GOING TO SERVE A GREAT MISSION. I know that this starts now. I am working hard everyday to learn and to grow.
Some insights, I have been working to learn spanish, but i also have been working to understand the gospel more. Our teacher Hermano Nava told us at the beginning of the MTC, "Don't worry about spanish. Leave that to me. You worry about the spiritual things." So...I have been doing just that. I spend my time working hard to understand the things that need to be learned in the gospel, and for some reason, my understanding of spanish is flourishing and my ability to speak it is growing too.
I know that my redeemer lives. I see this everyday in my life. I love this gospel. I know that what I am doing is really sanctioned of God. If I did not know this, I would have gone home a long time ago. Mainly on Friday when I found out that I would not be able to go to Madrid right off. I love my family, I know we will be together forever if we live right!!! So live right because I really want to see you again and be with you forever!!!
Oh some great things I am learning. I think the pain in my right side is because I am lactose intolerant. I am trying the no milk no cheese thing. Seems to be helping, but that means i have to compensate with vitamins. Some elders were told in a meeting not to ever marry a girl who is lactose intolerant!! Isn't that funny!
Anyways, if you ever wonder what to do in your free time, you should run to wal-mart and pick up some of those walmart brand dropins (crystal light juice things), put them in a little package and send them to me with a really nice note! The notes are really my favorite parts!! I love hearing about peoples lives. Also, kettle corn popcorn or really any popcorn would be rad.
Thanks for the foot powder mom, you rock!! I have been munching on those jelly beans. They are the perfect size and I can just stick 2 in my mouth and I am guaranteed to be awake for at least 3 more mins.
I love you and I miss you all, but I am busy working hard here. Spain needs me. Even if I am not there right now, I am working hard to utilize all my opportunities that I have here in PROVO!! I love you
Tell everyone you talk to that I am doing well and haveing spiritual experiences right and left.
One quick one. Went to the teaching center last friday, (had been praying to recognize the spirit in my life.) taught the first lesson and really felt the spirit prompt me to certain scriptures and tell my what to say to really fully answer the questions that were in the minds of our investigators! I recognized the spirit fully and have been making notes of this on a daily basis!! REALLY COOL.
Well, my 30 mins are up! I guess it is time to bid farewell for another week. Maybe by next week I will know of more about VISA. if NOT Hello shayla. We might fly out together!!!
If you have time, write me on dear elder or on snail mail. IF you don't have time, just write me a short letter!!
MOm, will you tack on my address at the bottom. I am out of time.
Love you lots.!
Hermana Skouson