Friday, February 5, 2010

Hermana Skouson MTC Jan. 27, 2010


How are you? I only have a half hour to type.

p-Day: Wednesday

I can receive mail everyday.

Can only write letters on wednesday.

I would prefer if you let only the family email me because it takes time to read and reply through email. I know, it is a bummer. USE DEAR ELDER!!! I get it every day except sundays.
I have seen James, Preston, Chauntelle, &Jeff Elmer here at the MTC!
I AM LOVING THIS. The only time I felt homesick this week was this morning at the Temple. I think it is because we did alot of family things there.

Ok, lemme start from the beginning.
Wednesday: You dropped me off and I got strait to work. I was dropped off in class and we immediately started learning abotu all sorts of great things. Then we had meetings and other things! It was really a good day. Lots of spiritutal stuff! At night we unpacked, and got into bed @ 10:30! 6:30 does really come early
Thursday: My comp and i went to the wrokout yoga thing at 6:00 am. AHH! Invigorating and I really wasn't that tired throughout the day, but it did start to wear on me. we started learning spanish and met with the branch pres. They are great. One of the members of the presidency was a choir teacher for 34 years.!! He is my type of guy!! Anyways. We had interviews with them and I was assigned to be the senior companion. I think I told you that already!. Anyways HA HA ( that was for mom)
Friday: I tried/ am trying to get rid of some of the bad habits I have. using sarcasm is one of them. Trying not to doubt what I know is true. Having faith that this way of teaching the investigators will really work. We had a chance to teach one of our teachers on Friday. His name was "Raul" and he was being a Chilean and sort of being un interested in the gospel. Our class used the spirit to teach Raul what we knew and Loved. That was amazing. I recorded it in my journal. (Dad, I have been journaling every day)!!
Sat: basically did the same thing. I am sorry i am really bad a remembering what has happened from day to day. I thing we learned to pray in Spanish today! I can say a full prayer in spanish without looking at my notes. It is really all about trusting in the lord and believeing that my setting apart and my prayers will be answered. I have a testimony that it is not what we are learning, but through which power and by which authority that I am learning to speak Spanish.
Sunday was amazing! Sister Matsumori from the Prim. Gen. Pres. was here and gave our RS lesson. I loved it. I am so glad that I spent the last couple of weeks in primary. SWEET SPIRIT THERE! We had a devotional that was hilariously great! Read Alma 26:27-30 whenever you feel like no one knows what you are talking about!
Monday: More of the same. But it was great because we are learning more and more information about Espanol.

***There is an elder in my district that always makes fun of me when i have to introduce myself because I am going to spain and going to be the only one speaking with a lisp. All the elders are really great. We party so much as you can at the MTC****
Tuesday: we learned how to door contact and meet people on the street in spanish. My comp and I are getting better and better. Dad, I am striving to learn the accent right now!!! And you would be so proud of me. I am always up between 6:05-6:15 and in bed by 10:30. My goal is to be 100% obedient 100% of the time. I am really loving it here at the MTC.
Some of the sisters complain about certain things. The only two things I have a problem with are the fact that my feet smell from wearing nylons and closed toe shoes all day and that I can't chew gum (YES Quinn, my breath is kickin). I am always mintin it up! and trying to mask the rankness of my breath! Don't worry, bought febreze today.

Elders: They always stand when we Hermanas sit and take our trays when we are finished with dinner. We have some of the best Elders in our District and our Zone is so friendly. I really love spending time with them.

Quinn: I will write you a whole letter about things I'd wished I'd done before my mission.




I LOVE the fact that i was able to live at home with you guys during this year!

Love you lots

