Thursday, February 25, 2010

Twice in two days

Dear Family,

 Well things are going really well. I definately miss having real companions(sisters). I spend a lot of time watching. It is much quieter than Provo. There are 5 French missionaries here. Some of them speak english and we try to have conversations, but it is rough. I am learning lots about intrapersonal relations. I had gym last night and it was difficult because they went and played basketball and invited me, but because I am a sister, I cannot actually play basketball with the Elders. So I played the piano. I really would love it if you could send me some music. Especially classical. That book of Music by the Masters would be a dream. I LOVE THAT BOOK. It is the one with both covers missing. The notes are small.

We went down to Sol today (city center) and walked around. I finally found somewhere to buy shampoo and conditioner. I paid over 10 dollars for the both. I think it came out to 7.5 euros. My savings is going to be wiped. NO bueno. I am becoming more accustomed to the not so strict schedule here at the CCM. It is hard because I have alot more time to think, but I think after the first couple of days, I will be raring to go.

We went to the temple this morning, it was weird because they played the session in French and we had headsets that could play it in 12 different languages. I listened to it in Spanish. Oh boy, did i have a headache! Met a Sister Merrill and Brother Merrill from Mesa who are serving in the Madrid Temple mission. They were wonderful. They said they knew of some Skousens. I love it when either I know people or they know of my family. Makes Madrid not seem so far away.


Centro de Capacitación Misiónal

C/ Templo 2, 4A Planta

28030 Madrid


They say that mail takes normally 7-10 days to arrive here. Would love some letters. But if it takes to long I will also give you my mission address.

Barcelona Misión de España

C/ Calatrava 10-12, Bajos

08017 Barcelona


Sorry this letter is so sad. I just miss being able to talk with sisters. I am working hard and trying to get along with the Elders. It is just hard because my two companions are really good friends and I am a sister, which most elders equate with not being able to talk to, so we are working to get over this fall back. But you know what, it will all work out. There are 10 spanish sisters coming in next Wednesday and President said that one of them will be my companion. I cannot wait until that point. I LOVE SISTER MISSIONARIES. Things are going well though. That is good. I also slept for roughly 10 hours. The jet lag is coming and going. I should be good by friday. But ya know.

I love you all and am trying to keep busy!
Sister Skouson

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Dear Stewart and Devonna Skouson.

We are happy to send you this picture of your daughter and let you know that she got here ok. She has already played the piano and we are excited to have her here. She is shown here with Elder Keller and Elder Johanson, my wife and two of the teachers that will help her during the following 4 weeks that she will be with us. We go to the temple in the morning and then we get to work. We will send updates.

President Douglas Earl

I'm here in Espana

Well, I am here in Espana. A place of great food and a tired Sister Skouson. I am also typing on a Spanish keyboard which is something completely new to me. This keyboard includes ñ and ç and other fun letters. Anyways, I am the only sister in this CCM. I am being loved by the hermanas here and Sister Earl (CCM president´s wife) was very excited to see me this morning. I arrived in Madrid this morning about 9:30 which is about 2 UT time and 1 NV time. I have been going all day, but they are so nice here. I have class with Elder Johansen and my companions names are Elder Keller and Elder Johansen. Yesh, I am companions with Elders. Definately a new experience, but I am getting used to it. Because my bags were so overweight, I left my shampoo and conditioner in America, so for my shower this morning, I used soap (bar soap) to wash my hair. It feels gross and nasty but what else is new. It feels so spectacular to be here in España. They are helping us overcome Jet lag...Semi torture, but for example we went for a walk today. We are able to go exploring around the city on P-day which is tomorrow. And there are alot more freedoms here in Spain than in Provo. There are a total of 10 missionaries here at the CCM. This will be doubled next week when we get 10 native sisters and some others. SHAYLA, they are so excited to see you here. You will love it. I have already put in a good word for you here. It was so great this morning because President and Sister Earl came to pick us up at the airport and they were so nice and great! I love them. They are so concerned with our well being and the people that work here are all from Spain or whereabouts of that. They speak Spanish and kindly check to see if we understand what they are saying. Today was a much better day than anticipated. We are actually given much more leisure with our time and we are able to do things that will really benifit us. The Provo MTC accomodates a lot more people, so therefore, they are required to hold a much more rigorous schedule, but here, it is much more lax. I really apologize for any spelling and other errors that are occuring in this letter. My brain has been overloaded with information and then spanish and then trying to switch between spanish and english. NO BUENO. anyways, We had this really great lunch. Spain food is already becoming my new love. We had Stuffed Eggplant and chicken with these really great potatoes that I think were marinated in oil and then cooked for a bit. BUT really good. And then I had some of this wonderful melon. It was sooooo good. Tasted like honey dew, but 100 times better. It is lovely here. I have gym at 5:00 and we get to take a walk and play soccer and do what ever really. Personal time. ANd...because we just got in this morning, we get to go to bed at 7:00. How bueno is that! I am so glad. Tomorrow Morning, we have temple time. The temple is literally right next door. And there is a stake center just next to that. I love that we can do all these great things here in Madrid. And I am pretty sure that I get to email more frequently then in Provo, at least while here in Madrid. Ahhhh, shayla, you willl so love your mission. The city is very pretty. They drive on the same side of the road that we do. I met these elders that were from some parts of Europe that are here for CCM time, and they are so smart. I know I am babbling, but I really don´t know what to do about it. President should be sending you a picture of the three of us at a meeting. I am trying to look awake. I am sitting next to Hermana Earl. They are a cool bunch.

I am exhausted, I am safe, I am having a blast, I can´t wait to go to sleep.

Love you lots

Hermana Skouson

Mom, dresses, yes. I do want them. Things are warmer here than in PRovo. I konw this because we went on a walk today and the Hermanas were freezing their tooshies off. So I think it will get warmer before it gets much cooler. I dont really care when you send them. I am just easy breezy like to the wind today. You konw. alright I´m going to be productive!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Received a call from Mikayla yesterday morning.  She's got her Visa!  She will be flying out today, tuesday.  We are so excited for her.  She will go the Madrid MTC.

When they told her about her Visa she asked about her cousin Shayla's visa.  They said they had received it and Shayla doesn't even report to Provo MTC till March 3rd.  Way to go!!!

Maybe Mikayla and Shayla will get to see each other in the Madrid MTC.  We can only keep our fingers crossed.

She is happy and loving life and the gospel.

Thursday, February 18, 2010


Okay, So this has been a fabulous week. I am trying to remember what happened this week and what is important for you to know.

This week has been a week of trials.  Nothing bad, but I am actually having to learn how to communicate with other people and not just drive away and go get Little Ceasars and call my mom and realize that is all going to be okay. I am relying on the lord for him to let me know how to best handle the different situations that arrive.

I am learning things from my companion. She is strong in the gospel and has a very strong knowledge of the scriptures. I learn things from her everyday when we do companionship study. It is such a blessing to me to have such a steady companion who knows which way is up.

 I am also learning patience, which is something I never had to have before. Doing things other peoples ways is always interesting.

I love the time that I talk with Sister Miller. (Other sister is their room) She really is such an angel.  I really enjoy her perspective because she knows that this gospel is true.  Even though struggles and trials, she knows that the Lord is where true power lies. Each night we go for a little walk around our dorm and discuss things of a spiritual nature. I really do enjoy this. I love talking about what I am learning and how to understand certain things better. She has such a testimony of the Atonement and of The temple.

Sister Scott is a loving and kind sister that always trys to be better. She is a great person with a different perspective than I have ever had. She got a letter from her sister yesterday that said that she was getting baptized.

Oh goodness, I wish I could just sit down with you at the end of each night and share the many experiences I am having by being here. I was sitting in a Devotional last week and got the impression that I need to be gentle and kind. When I first meet people I have a hard edge because that is my defense, but through talking with Sister Miller, I know that this is not who I am, nor who I want to be. So I have been praying to be a better person and trying to know how to be the best I can be. I am being obedient, but I know that I can be kinder with my words and with my actions. I have made this week more benificial by making an effort to get rid of the slang in my vocabulary especially the word "crap". Yesh mom, you were right, I know that I can use other words that would be better and not make me sound so unrefined. I guess I am mainly working on being refined. This is hard because my sisters were used to me being one way, but sister miller came up to me and said, "Don't be afraid to change on our account. Yeah it may be different for a while, but that is okay. You are changing for the better."

And bless her heart for saying this because I really have felt like I can actually keep my mouth shut and not say things that are hurtful or sarcastic.  people have been offended through the sarcastic things that are said to each other. I know that this form of humor does not bring us closer to gether, it is just mean. I am holding my tongue. Dad, you would be so proud of me. I am becoming the person I have always wanted to become. Mind you, I still have a good time and quite frequently enjoy a good joke, but I am dropping the sarcasm. I know that this will help to make the spirit more apparent in my life.

Oh--saw Elder Sanborn!! That is so great he is here!

Shayla, I am going to write you a letter! I am hoping your visa gets here ASAP and that we could fly to Madrid together. When you get here we should go talk to the travel office. Heard your musical number was great!

Some spiritual experiences: my spanish is coming along. i can carry on a conversation for quite some time, even about gospel related things. (for some reason i am not able to capitlize anything). i am really loving spanish. i am finding that i really enjoy speaking spanish more than i enjoy speaking english. my goal, speak like a spainard. i am working hard on this, but the only problem is that i do not know what a spainard sounds like. no bueno...

i think i am the branch pianist now, which is no bueno because i don't really know how to play all of the songs and sometimes it gets sticky. but i love it. last week another district of 9 elders left for argentina. man, do i miss the dzj. jo me jamo. (yo me llamo). you get the picture. i think they are pretty.

trc: this last week we spoke in spanish for 15 mins and then we taught the plan of salvation. i love this lesson. what a great way to help people throught the hard times and give them perspective. always gives me perspective, especially when it comes to granni.

well, in closing, i just wanted to let you all know, thank you for the support. i am getting all of your dear elders. i would love more. i love hearing about your lives and your successes. i am loving it here at the mtc. i can thing of no better way to spend my time than by being the lord's investigator and then turning and teaching my own investigators. we had a seminar thing where all the teachers in our zone got up and told one of their conversion stories. sister newman told a great story about when she was in chile. she was so great about having the spirit in her life and having that soft spoken knowledge of what is right and wrong. i really want to emulate her and here ways of doing things. she is so wonderful. she is my mtc role model.


another week has come and gone with great heaps of knowledge.

please tell me about your lives. i love the blessings that come from serving a mission. i love this learning

i love my comp. we are becoming better friends as we work through the things that are hard. i love this mission


love you mucho-

hermana skouson

dad, thanks for the package, i love the rice are all muy bueno.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Hermana Skouson,

MTC Mailbox #224,
SPA-BAR 0209,
2005 N. 900 E.,
Provo, UT 84604-1793.

Hola from Provo MTC still!

It was so great to talk with you this past Saturday, Mom. I really wish I could have spoken with you on Tuesday from the Airport heading to Ga and then to Madrid, But esta bien! THANK YOU TO ALL WHO ARE WRITING LETTERS!!! I REALLY APPRECIATE YOUR SUPPORT AND YOUR CARING AND EFFORT THAT IT TAKES TO MAIL SOMETHING!!! YOU PEOPLE ARE AMAZING.

Anyways, Today was temple day. I love the temple. I love the fact that we get to spend about 2 hours a week learning and growing in a place that allows us to get so much out of it. ANd the peace. OH do i love the peace.

Some of the sisters in my district are having a hard time adjusting to all the things that have to happen here in the MTC. It is kinda draggin on me, but i am learning to rely more heavily on the Lord. It is such a blessing to have to be learning this. I spoke with Hermano Nava for my interview this week and he asked me how I was doing and I sort of broke down when he asked me about what I have learned this week. I said that I am learning that I really am not in control of anything that is happening in my life. I am only really in control of how hard I work and the rest is really up to him. I really learned this lesson when I found out that I was staying here in Provo until who knows when. I know that the Lord has a plan for me. I dont have any clue as to what it might be, but I am learning more and more that I am needed here. Just about everybody in my district has come up to me at one point or another this past couple of days and said to me that they are really glad that I am staying. This is really nice to know that I am having an influence on my district, even if they don't like the goal of being 100% obedient 100% of the time.

Goals: Yesterday we had a Devotional by C. Scott Grow (funny name huh). He talked about making our missions worthwhile and setting goals that really mean something. He also talked about reactivation. I know that in my mission we might not have tons and tons of people being ready to be baptized, but I do know that reactivation is just as necessary as baptizing. I love this thought that we do not just give up on people if they were converted and fell away. We reach out to them with love and with the support of the ward to welcome them back into what they know is true. He also talked about how goals need to stretch up and to challenge us. This is so true!!! My district finally got the idea yesterday. We even set meaningful goals. This is such a great thing for them. They are learning and growing. (my attitude is such because I suggested that we do this last week, but we had people complain about setting "lofty goals." "we will never be able to reach 100% obedience, so why should we even try?" Direct quote.that really threw me for a loop.) Anyways. GREAT DEVO!

I got to play for a musical number on Sunday. Sister Miller, Another girl in my district, sang I know that my redeemer lives and I played the MIcheal Hicks arrangement of that song. What a great opportunity!!!

Okay, so I love the MTC. The spirit is so strong here and I can tell that the teachers really did serve a good mission and are really loving what they are doing here at the MTC, working with crazy 19-23 year old people who think they know everything about the gospel. It is such a blessing to be working with 2 hermanos that actually have a deep and abiding love for the gospel and their jobs...and that this love can be incorporated into one thing. I can think of no better job then to get back and work for the MTC as a teacher. I know this will be alot of work, but you look at the lives of the MTC teachers and you know they served a good mission!!! I AM GOING TO SERVE A GREAT MISSION. I know that this starts now. I am working hard everyday to learn and to grow.

Some insights, I have been working to learn spanish, but i also have been working to understand the gospel more. Our teacher Hermano Nava told us at the beginning of the MTC, "Don't worry about spanish. Leave that to me. You worry about the spiritual things." So...I have been doing just that. I spend my time working hard to understand the things that need to be learned in the gospel, and for some reason, my understanding of spanish is flourishing and my ability to speak it is growing too.

I know that my redeemer lives. I see this everyday in my life. I love this gospel. I know that what I am doing is really sanctioned of God. If I did not know this, I would have gone home a long time ago. Mainly on Friday when I found out that I would not be able to go to Madrid right off. I love my family, I know we will be together forever if we live right!!! So live right because I really want to see you again and be with you forever!!!

Oh some great things I am learning. I think the pain in my right side is because I am lactose intolerant. I am trying the no milk no cheese thing. Seems to be helping, but that means i have to compensate with vitamins. Some elders were told in a meeting not to ever marry a girl who is lactose intolerant!! Isn't that funny!

Anyways, if you ever wonder what to do in your free time, you should run to wal-mart and pick up some of those walmart brand dropins (crystal light juice things), put them in a little package and send them to me with a really nice note! The notes are really my favorite parts!! I love hearing about peoples lives. Also, kettle corn popcorn or really any popcorn would be rad.

Thanks for the foot powder mom, you rock!! I have been munching on those jelly beans. They are the perfect size and I can just stick 2 in my mouth and I am guaranteed to be awake for at least 3 more mins.

I love you and I miss you all, but I am busy working hard here. Spain needs me. Even if I am not there right now, I am working hard to utilize all my opportunities that I have here in PROVO!! I love you

Tell everyone you talk to that I am doing well and haveing spiritual experiences right and left.

One quick one. Went to the teaching center last friday, (had been praying to recognize the spirit in my life.) taught the first lesson and really felt the spirit prompt me to certain scriptures and tell my what to say to really fully answer the questions that were in the minds of our investigators! I recognized the spirit fully and have been making notes of this on a daily basis!! REALLY COOL.

Well, my 30 mins are up! I guess it is time to bid farewell for another week. Maybe by next week I will know of more about VISA. if NOT Hello shayla. We might fly out together!!!

If you have time, write me on dear elder or on snail mail. IF you don't have time, just write me a short letter!!

MOm, will you tack on my address at the bottom. I am out of time.

Love you lots.!

Hermana Skouson

Saturday, February 6, 2010

No Visa!!!!

We just got a call from Mikayla.  No visa!!  I guess they have a new girl in the office and she has told everyone yes their visa has come through, but in reality it has not.  She is not sure when she will go, so for now she is still at the MTC-Provo.   Write her 
                                                  Hermana Skouson,
                                                 MTC Mailbox #224,
                                                 SPA-BAR 0209,
                                                 2005 N. 900 E.,
                                                 Provo, UT  84604-1793.   is an easy way to write while she is in Provo and it is free!.

She and I (we thank you for your support!)  Devonna

Friday, February 5, 2010

Hola from MTC Provo Feb. 3, 2010

Travel plans are as follows.

2-9-10 9:45 am slc->atl 3:34 pm

2-9-10 6:40pm atl-> ma 9:15am

In madrid I will have a comp, same as here, just more relaxed according to a teacher here!

I will get to call you at airport so make sure to not work too much on Tues or Wed! MUY IMPORTANTE!!!! I am doing great! Elder Hinckley (my mission pres brother) came and spoke yesterday. He said, "Don't waste yours or the lords time." I'm trying not to do either.

Thank you everyone for sending your love and support. I wish I could answer everyone personally! You are all so great, but P-Days are short and I run out of time quickly!
Mom y Dad, Sorry about the ER bill. At least I know that when I am having those pains it is really nothing. Speaking of pains. Read Jer. 4:19. This is my life.

I have seen Simper, Elmer, y Graf all here. They are doing great.
Mom, THe BAGS ARE BOMB!! I love the sparkly ones.

Thanks for the blurb about praying and pat. blessings. There is no way I would miss praying because They are way too Essential.

Oh yeah. I am playing in a musical number this sund. Sister miller (one of the other sisters in the district is singing). I know that my redemmer lives.

On Thursday: Had to get my last shot and didnt even cry. Muy BUENO. Got travel plans and then got to go to the RC. Referal center and make calls to people that order BOMS and other things like that. Got to bear testimonies and the goal was to send the missionaries out.
Friday. Went to the TRC. And had a mock appointment with an investigator! Very cool. My comp and I have lots to work on, but we are working hard.
On sunday. There was a bug that landed on me in the mid of sac. meeting and i flipped out and then killed it. very exciting.

I get little opportunities to teach every once and a while and I am finding that I am really enjoying this!! SO MUCH!!!

Anyways. Sorry this is short. I am stressing cause the clock is ticking.

Espanol is coming, I am learning how to talk about my fam. Send pictures if possible. People love to see about your family.
LOVe you lots! Keep up the good work and I will write you next from ESPANA!!!

Basically you guys are grand.
Family, I will write you more while at the laundry! Llove you

Hermana Mikayla Skouson

MTC Feb. 3, 2010

I Just wanted to let you know that I got my visa!!! I am leaving on the 9th of Feb. I will send you more info soon,

here is the deal, There are two other elders that are scheduled to be going with me to Madrid. THey are both in my mission. Elder Keller and Elder Johansen. But here is the deal, they do not have their visas and havent for quite some time. SO I might be traveling alone and this would be semi sacry. Not that I'm afraid to travel alone, but it definately adds some other complications. I know right off the top of my head that I will be going to Atlanta, GA and then a straight shot to Madrid after that! I am loving this so much. I have to go get more info and then I will send you more

Hermana Skouson MTC Jan. 27, 2010


How are you? I only have a half hour to type.

p-Day: Wednesday

I can receive mail everyday.

Can only write letters on wednesday.

I would prefer if you let only the family email me because it takes time to read and reply through email. I know, it is a bummer. USE DEAR ELDER!!! I get it every day except sundays.
I have seen James, Preston, Chauntelle, &Jeff Elmer here at the MTC!
I AM LOVING THIS. The only time I felt homesick this week was this morning at the Temple. I think it is because we did alot of family things there.

Ok, lemme start from the beginning.
Wednesday: You dropped me off and I got strait to work. I was dropped off in class and we immediately started learning abotu all sorts of great things. Then we had meetings and other things! It was really a good day. Lots of spiritutal stuff! At night we unpacked, and got into bed @ 10:30! 6:30 does really come early
Thursday: My comp and i went to the wrokout yoga thing at 6:00 am. AHH! Invigorating and I really wasn't that tired throughout the day, but it did start to wear on me. we started learning spanish and met with the branch pres. They are great. One of the members of the presidency was a choir teacher for 34 years.!! He is my type of guy!! Anyways. We had interviews with them and I was assigned to be the senior companion. I think I told you that already!. Anyways HA HA ( that was for mom)
Friday: I tried/ am trying to get rid of some of the bad habits I have. using sarcasm is one of them. Trying not to doubt what I know is true. Having faith that this way of teaching the investigators will really work. We had a chance to teach one of our teachers on Friday. His name was "Raul" and he was being a Chilean and sort of being un interested in the gospel. Our class used the spirit to teach Raul what we knew and Loved. That was amazing. I recorded it in my journal. (Dad, I have been journaling every day)!!
Sat: basically did the same thing. I am sorry i am really bad a remembering what has happened from day to day. I thing we learned to pray in Spanish today! I can say a full prayer in spanish without looking at my notes. It is really all about trusting in the lord and believeing that my setting apart and my prayers will be answered. I have a testimony that it is not what we are learning, but through which power and by which authority that I am learning to speak Spanish.
Sunday was amazing! Sister Matsumori from the Prim. Gen. Pres. was here and gave our RS lesson. I loved it. I am so glad that I spent the last couple of weeks in primary. SWEET SPIRIT THERE! We had a devotional that was hilariously great! Read Alma 26:27-30 whenever you feel like no one knows what you are talking about!
Monday: More of the same. But it was great because we are learning more and more information about Espanol.

***There is an elder in my district that always makes fun of me when i have to introduce myself because I am going to spain and going to be the only one speaking with a lisp. All the elders are really great. We party so much as you can at the MTC****
Tuesday: we learned how to door contact and meet people on the street in spanish. My comp and I are getting better and better. Dad, I am striving to learn the accent right now!!! And you would be so proud of me. I am always up between 6:05-6:15 and in bed by 10:30. My goal is to be 100% obedient 100% of the time. I am really loving it here at the MTC.
Some of the sisters complain about certain things. The only two things I have a problem with are the fact that my feet smell from wearing nylons and closed toe shoes all day and that I can't chew gum (YES Quinn, my breath is kickin). I am always mintin it up! and trying to mask the rankness of my breath! Don't worry, bought febreze today.

Elders: They always stand when we Hermanas sit and take our trays when we are finished with dinner. We have some of the best Elders in our District and our Zone is so friendly. I really love spending time with them.

Quinn: I will write you a whole letter about things I'd wished I'd done before my mission.




I LOVE the fact that i was able to live at home with you guys during this year!

Love you lots

