Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Weekly Letter

Thing are going well. I have had a week of hard times, but good times. More of the same really, but it has been good. Leticia and Ismael have been out of town for the past two weeks and we are looking forward to seeing them. They are such great people and I really love lessons with them. I hope this last two weeks that have really found a need for the gosple and will want to be baptized. I am excited to see them this week.

Gustavo (one of the live in b-friends of a Menos activo) accepted a baptism date of 22 May. It is forever away, but he feels that he needs this much time to work things out. He is a great guy who loves the Book of Mormon. Monica, the girlfriend, also asked if she could visit with the bishop to work things out so that she would be in good standing with the church again!!

Ousman, A guy from Gambia, also accepted a baptism date for this weekend. The only problem is that he needs to stop smoking. We are working with him to stop, but I don´t think that this Sat will really happen. Bumm deal, but his is a great guy that has made some huge changes in his life. He come to church all the time and works hard to be good.

So tomorrow, I am leaving to go to Murcia. It is the furthest south that sisters can go. Hermana Merrell, one of my housemates, need to get fingerprinted again for residency and her companion kinda stomped her feet to not go. So it turns out that I get to go. I am really excited. It is a 7 hour train ride down and then another 7 back. But, it will be fun. PLUS, they have these great big "man swings" Hermana Merrell and I will be swinging on the man swings when we get there!

Okay, this next paragraph was from my President´s letter. I had a bad day yesterday, but it was amazing how hopefull I was through the whole thing. SO here it is...

I had a slight break down yesterday. It was coming and I could feel it. I began to be frusterated by the way things were happening. I was frusterated mainly that I could not communicate the way I really felt I should be able to communicate...meaning that I was not exactly proficient in all the ways of Spanish yet. I got frusterated and I cried. But I can tell you that I have a strong testimony that I know that my Heavenly Father knows the struggles I am going through and he knows exactly who I needed to be my trainer. I know that Hermana Church is really supposed to be my trainer. The way that she helps me and corrects me and directs me are ways that I constantly am reminded that My heavenly Father Loves Me!!

Over all, I am doing well and loving this whole thing. Time are sometimes hard, but I tell you what. I Know that this church is true. I know that What i am doing here is an important work. I also know that Satan knows how important this work is. He is a stinker. But I also know that when I do what I know is right, my Savior and Heavenly Father provide a way for me to succeed. I KNOW THIS!! I KNOW THIS IS TRUE!!

Also, Be a member missionary. SO important. Train the Missionaries in your ward. Ask them if you can attend appointments with them. Ask them if you can take someone to church for them. Have less actives or non members at dinner appointments. These are things members can do. You don´t always just have to have a friend that you can teach, you can do other things!

One other thing,

My stomach is doing better. Just a little pain every now and again. I stopped taking pain meds (aleve, Ibprofen) and the pain went away. The doctor said that some of the pain might have been caused by the medication. So...I am working with all of this.

Love you all so much,

Here is a list of things that if you can find that would be great.
Pictures: Moustach pictures of the family at christmas, any family picture, millies hair.
Those two dresses.

Short sleeve shirts. Found one today and found 2 bras at primart for under 20 euros. More my price range. And your love!! I love you all! So much So so much.

I think of you all everyday and I am constantly testifying that I know that families are eternal.


Hermana Skouson

When you send that package, will you send it to the office which is the address for the mission home and not the Badal Street address. I am afraid it would come when I was not at home and that would be bad!!

Love you lot
PS. WEnt to the picasso museum today for Preparation day!
Love you