Monday, April 26, 2010

Hello familia, its raining new investigators.

Well well well,

I have been having a blast here in Barcelona. It was great this past week, because I had a two day vaca to Murcia. (mind you this is said murthia gotta love the theta!) Smelled beautiful and looked great too. Have some fun pictures, but the problem is that it takes so long to upload. When I get my other card, I will send this one home.

We have been working hard to get our area book in order. This week, we counted how many people we retired to the Antiguos section and it was roughly 13. In the past 3 days, we have gotten 7 new investigators. I know that the Lord puts people in our path when we make room for them. It has been amazing to see the miracles that happen. One of our new investigators is Juan. Came to church for the last two weeks in a row. At our first cita with him, he was practically bounding out of the chair to see when he could be baptised!! He accepted the date of 8 May 2010. What a neat experience.
We are having great success with working with all of our investigators. We are learning and growing when it comes to gospel things. I am so glad to be here. I have a great companion. I have a feeling that she will be transferred and she feels it too. This is sad, because I will have a bunch to do still and I don´t know where we will find the necessary things. This week we have planned for roughly 40 citas. This is twice to three times the amount that we normally get in, so we are resting hard today and then we are going to work. HERE WE COME BARCELONA 1!!!!.

We have gotten to be on good terms with the Bishop and we are hoping to keep it that way, so we are making Banana Bread for the auxillaries this week. Yeah we are bribing them to like us. But I am learning how to really work with the ward!! So important.

My companion and I laugh all the time. We travel for about an hour in the metro to our area and we have made up the rules for Metro surfing.

Yes, METRO SURFING!!! The levels get progressively more difficult.

Level one: Normal on the metro feet shoulder width apart and try not to move your feet.

Level ten: Eyes close, standing on one foot, with a Libro De Mormon on your head while taking a reference and writing it in your agenda with a dragon breathing fire on you. Yeah, this one is pretty hard. I haven´t beat this level yet. First of all, it is nearly impossible to balance on one foot with your eyes closed. And secondly, the dragons only exist on some metros!!

I am so lucky to have my companion. She is starting to find out how very weird I really am!! This is great, but we know when to buckle down and work too!

Love you all so much!! Hope things are going well. Tell grani that I bought a classical piano book because I couldn´t handle not being able to play music. Don´t worry, its is allowed!! Tell her that this is something she instilled in me.

Dad- Sometimes I quote you. My companions all want to meet you.

Mom- You are so rad. I miss you but I am having so much fun here! YOu wouldn´t even believe.

Both of you- I hope you are saving your pennies to come to Spain. We would have so much fun!

Marissa-Wrote you a letter and mailed it to you!

Cameron-I hope you are learning to be a rocking couponer like my sister. You should have weekly competitions to see who could get the best deal!!

Quinn-glad to hear that you quoted me in your talk. I hope it wasn´t something about smelly feet.

Mille-what are you doing?? haven´t heard from you in forever!!!

I forgot to sign my name!!

Hermana Skouson